A throne is only a bench covered in velvet.
Napoleon Boneparte

Click to visit www.visitwesterham.org.uk

Hello and welcome to the Westerham Ramblers site.

We are an informal group who walk on alternate Sunday mornings in north-west Kent in the Westerham area, although we do occasionally venture into Surrey or London (and very occasionally into East Sussex). Anyone is welcome to join us. Your dog will be welcome too, provided it is friendly.  Answers to any questions you may have should be found under FAQs (About Westerham Ramblers).

We have no membership and our walks are free. Everyone is responsible for themselves and their dogs.  Read the Disclaimer for a further explanation.  Read the Privacy policy also.

Our walks are generally between four and eight miles, with a stop for refreshments at around the halfway point.  Every walk finishes at its start point so you will have no problems getting back to your car. Sometimes the walk will be a fairly level one; other times they are more hilly. Be prepared for mud, particularly during the winter months.

One last point. If you think the weather is bad, check the website in case the walk has been cancelled or the venue changed.